Friday, April 22, 2011

Before and Almost After: Kitchen and Dining Room

DISCLAIMER: The title "Before and Almost After" is very important here. We are nowhere near done yet, but I'm going to show you what you'd see if you showed up at our door today. (You can click on any picture to make it bigger)

A little reminder of what the kitchen and dining room looked like on the day of our closing:

And right now...
Hopefully you've noticed the new faucet we installed. I think that's the only major upgrade (besides the accessories) since you last saw the kitchen.

By the way- you've now officially met Shaggy- our new puppy (that I suppose I should blog about also)...
And below- our very quaint dining room as it looks so far. The first thing we plan to take care of is the gigantic bare space on the wall above the table.
I'm thinking about trying this one out from Pier1:
Capiz Branches
And now, what still needs to be done? For now, we're done with the kitchen... although I'd LOVE to tear out that tile floor! The dining room does have a lot left to be done though:

That's about it with the kitchen and dining room. Up next: the living room.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the flowery thing for the dining room!